Press Release Summary: One reason most people think about investing in real estate elsewhere is the "grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" mentality. They want to chase a hot booming real estate market somewhere else
Press Release Body: One reason most people think about investing in real estate elsewhere is the "grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" mentality. They want to chase a hot booming real estate market somewhere else. The problem with this strategy is the hot markets always cool down. You can chase hot markets all over the country and never get there in time. One day the hot market might be San Diego.a few months later it might be Phoenix, and the next time it could be Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Chasing a hot market is a complicated and risky strategy. That\'s why I always emphasize to my readers and students that making money in every real estate cycle is much better than chasing hot markets in other parts of the country. Once you understand how you can make money with real estate whether the market is hot or cold, you\'ll know that you can make money right your own neighborhood - and you can make it right now.
Start by investing in single-family homes. They are more plentiful and easier to sell. You and potential buyers can get a wider range of financing plans for single-family homes than for any other type of real state. By sticking with single-family homes in your own area, you can ease into real estate investing and further minimize your risks.
Authors Bio
Dean started his real estate investing career at the early age of 18, when he purchased a run-down apartment building and renovated it into a profitable piece of property. From that beginning, Dean grew his real estate properties to be worth millions of dollars. Dean is still an active investor and author of two Books - Think a Little Differently and Be A Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today. He is passionate about telling people the straight truth about how to properly invest and profit from real estate, and tells them in a way that makes it simple enough for anyone to follow.
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Contact Details: Dean Graziosi phone: 1-800-860-8798 351 W. Washington St. Kearney, MO 64060 USA